
Noise in the workplace is an occupational hazard for many types of industry where workers use hand tools or automatic equipment. A monitoring programme incorporated as part of the maintenance regime can lessen or mitigate the risk.

Services and Capabilities
ESP has qualified and experienced technicians who can survey, predict and assess noise levels within your workplace. Results are then held against a database developed over several years by experts for the Health & Safety professionals which gives ratings and allows us to calculate suitable hearing protection.
ESP will visit your company carry out any of the following:

• Noise Survey
• Internal Noise Monitoring
• Noise Predictions
• Impact Assessment
• Construction Noise

The results can then be set out as a graphical summary by type detailing the appropriate level of protection required along with possible methods of minimising exposure where appropriate.
Suitable ear protection often offers a relatively inexpensive and quick way of complying with regulations where noise reduction is insufficient. To find the correct level of ear protection a noise survey will monitor levels and inform you of the right one to choose. In some cases however, more permanent and drastic measures can be taken to lessen the overall need for ear protection throughout a large area e.g. partitioning off a noisy piece of equipment so that only the person operating it requires ear protection when inside the custom built room.

About Noise in the Workplace
In some areas of work, noise is an unavoidable occupational hazard. The Noise at Work Regulations place a requirement upon the employer to ensure staff are not exposed to excessive noise levels with external noise pollution becoming an ever increasing concern.
The European Directive which came into effect in 2006 has placed greater impact on noise issues.
Our hearing is a valuable and sensitive sense, often damage occurs slowly over a period so that by the time it is noticed the damage is irreversible. It is important to remember that lengthy and repeated exposure to apparently lower levels of noise e.g. a lawnmower can also cause damage to our hearing although the effects are generally temporary.
If you are in any doubt about whether you or your employees should be wearing ear protection at any time please call or email us and we will be happy to provide guidance on whether a noise survey is required. In the mean-time, remember any ear protection is better than none but if you fall under the noise regulations umbrella that protection must be of the correct level, breach of this can prove costly!

The noise levels in the workplace are:-

• lower exposure action value 80 dB(A)
• peak sound pressure 135 dB(C)

• upper exposure action value 85 dB(A)
• peak sound pressure 137 dB(C)

There is also a level of daily noise exposure, which must not be exceeded,

• exposure level limit 87 dB(A)
• peak sound level 140 dB(C)